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It is with extreme sadness tonight I have to report the passing on of Welsh Enduro legend Bill Kershaw in the early hours of the 18th March. Bill was one of the main characters of the Enduro scene in Wales where from his Newport home he was one of the driving force in the Welsh Trail Riders Association, organisers of such classic events as the Snow Run and Beacons Enduro. However not only was Bill a legend, as well as his wife, in their own right, his father Bert Kershaw had been a rider of national importance for Britain in the 1920’s and 1930’s


Photo – ISDT 1954 Wales Bill Kershaw is seen checking over his bike. Bill was to become a stalwart of the ISDT scene in Wales and later the Enduro events run by the WTRA

I knew Bill many years mostly from his work helping to protect our road network from the continual sibling that was reducing the availability of routes. Whilst at one public enquiry faced by an aggressive local authority solicitor intent on stopping motorbikes from continuing to use an ancient road he was asked to explain how good his memory was by a comparison with his understanding of the route by his recollection fo the traffic light system in Newport. In the kind of inconsequential way Bill would reply to such questions having confirmed he knew the traffic light system exceptionally well he added that has Director of Highways at Newport Council he clearly has good reason to have a good understanding of it. At that moment the wind seemed to drop out of the solicitors sails and he clearly conceded what ever cheap point he was about to make was going to only confirm his own stupidity. His loss is very personal to me as I was a great admirer of the man who gave me significant guidance on many matters that have added to my life’s successes.